3D Products Fashion at AM Expo 2021

"You want to be there live again" - this is an initial conclusion of this year's AM Expo. Additive manufacturing professionals were once again able to find out about and exchange information on new 3D products and solutions - and with success! Whether beginner or professional in the field of additive manufacturing: AM Expo provides competent answers to central questions about additive manufacturing, tailored to the various application areas.

One of these different application areas concerns 3D products for the fashion industry. For a revolutionary and complementary new way of wearing the "old familiar bow tie", FashTec has developed an innovative and patented fastening solution, the so called "bow tie". "OTie" developed. FashTec is active in the fashion accessories sector and uses the very noble and novel "OTie" primarily for its handmade lifestyle products under the own brand "7OceanTies one. The "OTie" guarantees easy handling and, thanks to the neck freedom, perfect wearing comfort for ladies and gentlemen. It is flexible and can be used on any button of a garment placket. It thus offers a high degree of freedom in the design of individual, trendy fashion. FashTec combines Fashion with technology! and thus sets new standards for 3D products in the fashion world as well.